Hendrick Scholar (Brandon P) for NTXGiving Day

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Break the cycle of poverty by donating to Hendrick Scholarship Foundation.


raised by 0 people

$100 goal

I became a Hendrick scholar in _2022___. 

I attend __Collin_______ University/College and am majoring in _Marketing & Sales_____.

After I graduate, I plan to ____expand my dog grooming business and later on buy my first real estate property_____________.

HSF has made a difference in my life by ___giving me an opportunity to so many doors to open. HSF has got rid of so much weight off my shoulders. Financially struggling and trying to balance a full-time job to pay off my school and personal expenses. My family asking me to go to school that they will try to pay, but realistically knowing that they can't. Living with immigrant parents can be a challenge because as a 1st generation student, most of time it's all self-taught when you are learning about the American education and the system of college. Thankfully HSF has mentors and coaches to lead you to a better informative path of your own education and in life. Having someone who will guide you through life is a beautiful experience because after the program is over you still get to tag along with a friend and later on someone you can call family.    __________.

Please join us, applications are always opened. To get more information, feel free to reach out to me through my Instagram DM's. 

Feel free to donate to the scholars we have in this program. Together we can help the upcoming generations. 

This fundraiser supports

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Organized By Brandon Pedro

Giving Activity



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