Student Advisory Team

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Teachers LEAD
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Student led initiative to increase teacher retention.


raised by 0 people

$20,000 goal

1 day left

Student Advisory Team (SAT) is a program designed to give students voice and perspective on the many changes and influences on education. Students from various states of varying demographics meet quarterly to discuss their observations of best instructional practices and support. We are SAT is a young professionals board that helps with both governance and fundraising. Students on the board provide their opinion on the elements of instructional delivery they receive, help with fundraising ideas, and learn professional skills involved in forming and leading a business and advocacy. The most recent project “With Heart” is dedicated to show continuous support and appreciation to educators for their commitment to their students. The campaign will provide “With Heart” boxes of teacher swag to teachers recommended by and delivered by students. Teachers will receive the boxes 2 times during the school year (once each semester). 

The campaign is SAT suggested and a direct follow up to support provided to a campus following the initial start of an inclusion club for middle school students. The need for and possible expansion of teacher appreciation was confirmed from students on the Student Advisory Team when students detailed their understanding of the limited celebrations teachers receive. The campaign was created after a group of middle school students expressed interest in thanking their teachers for starting an LGBTQ and ally club on campus. The students had asked for several years to have a club specifically geared for them to build a community and help them to better understand their feelings and how to express themselves to others regarding the gender identification and/or sexual preference. The guidance counselor and a teacher were willing to sponsor the club and got approval from the administration (current CEO/Founder of Teachers Lead). The school district supports all clubs that cater to and satisfy the needs, interests, and beliefs of students, but staff sponsorship is required and administration approval and support needed for logistics,events, etc. After 2 years of virtual and hybrid and amongst the unknown alignments that transitioning back to full time in person teaching and learning would bring, the students doubted they would get support and approval but were hopeful after meeting their new administrator. Additionally the teacher and counselor were concerned with  managing sponsoring the club with the new procedures and anticipated academic support needed for Covid learning loss. 

After hearing concerns of the students and the staff, Teachers LEAD offered their services to provide the thanks the students wanted to provide to staff. Ideally this would allow students to focus on the mission of the club and not the financial burden of acquiring a tangible way to thank their teachers. Teachers LEAD provided lunch for staff, snacks for teachers and students, and provided coffee and teacher treats. The students use all of this to thank the staff for their support of the club but mainly for the staff’s acceptance of them as individuals. 

The club was overwhelmingly supported by teachers who volunteered for events, recommended students to join the club, included awareness for the LGBTQ community in morning meetings, and stepped in as needed with adult coverage or supervision. During the meetings, the counselor noticed many students with whom she had met regarding mental health issues were also members of the club or inquired about being members (because of the positive vibe they felt from the group). This caused the club to expand and changed their name to the Inclusion Club. The change to the name of the club showed that all were welcome but maintained one of the primary goals would be supporting, understanding, and being an ally to the LGBTQ community. The shift now included support regarding the mental health struggles that many students in this community faced. 

Giving Activity


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