A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Methodist Health System FoundationGiving individuals access to life-saving mammograms by helping to break down significant obstacles.
raised by 28 people
$5,000 goal
In March 2020, during my annual mammogram, we found a lump and learned it was breast cancer. I wanted a facility with innovative cancer care technology and doctors with the experience and expertise to give me the best chance at beating cancer. In return, I gained so much more. My care team was exactly that, a group of caring people; they did not just treat my cancer but me as a whole person. I am alive today because I have faith in God and the team at Methodist Dallas Medical Center.
According to the American Cancer Society, my black sisters are twice as likely to be diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer as my white sisters. We are also 30% more likely to die from these tumors because of the lack of access to preventative screenings and other services. How do we decrease the numbers? The first step is getting a regular mammogram.
By donating to Methodist Health System Foundation on North Texas Giving Day, you are not only giving individuals access to life-saving mammograms but helping to break down significant obstacles in their way.
BONUS: Methodist Health System Foundation has secured a matching grant, meaning every dollar you give doubles instantly. If you give $25, it automatically doubles to $50! BOOM! Thank me later!