A Space for Gathering, Learning & Working Together

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Lone Star Abilities Network
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Trainings, classes, social events, gatherings, job skills, life skills, a place of our own


raised by 0 people

$100,000 goal

Our programs are expanding, but we need SPACE in order to make things happen.  SPACE is an expensive commodity in Frisco, Texas right now, but no space means, in some cases, no program.  In other cases it means a pared down program.Donated space is sometimes available, but when other groups come along that serve a larger number (most of our programs need to be done with smaller ratios to address needs) or groups that can pay more for leasing, the first to go are programs like this.  Spaces that charge a percentage often require a minimum of participation, which also means higher cost and higher ratios, which are not a good fit for many of our programs.

Finally, space we need requires accessibility that is not as common or affordable as it should be.  

Ideally, we would have a developer of one of the many multi-use spaces in Frisco set aside space that we could use, but that requires the right connections.  If you know of someone who is interested in making our dream a reality and a PLACE to gather, email us at LSAN@LSabilitesnet.org!  We would make AMAZING neighbors!

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