Summer Women's Chorus PCC Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Plano Civic Chorus

Your donation to Plano Civic Chorus will help Summer Woman's Chorus soar to new heights!

12 donors

raised $2,035

25 donor goal

Plano Civic Chorus is thrilled to announce that Summer Women’s Chorus will be part of its programing for Summer 2025.  Summer Women’s Chorus (SWC) is a seasonal, non-auditioned choral workshop for women which began in 2019. Based in Plano, Texas, the choir was formed as an opportunity for women to continue singing throughout the summer when their respective choirs are on break and provides an opportunity for them to improve their singing skills, learn beautiful music, socialize with other like-minded women, and be musically and socially rejuvenated.  Plano Civic Chorus is looking forward to supporting this inspiring event and helping it broaden its reach in the community.  Your donation to Plano Civic Chorus will help Summer Women's Chorus soar to new heights!

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