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HEROES is a nonprofit that gets the special needs community out IN the community and seen! Goal: 2k!


raised by 8 people

$2,000 goal

HELLO! My name is Tres and I’ve been working at H.E.R.O.E.S. Academy for about 5 years now and 5000 characters isn’t enough to allow me to tell you how much of an impact it has made on me and the students I work with.

Let’s start with some brief info about H.E.R.O.E.S.

Helping Everyone Reach Outstanding Educational Success is a community based nonprofit in Richardson for adults with special needs of course, but a lot of what we do is help the students work on independence and social skills to help them in the community. Each of the 4 groups at Heroes Academy goes out on an outing everyday to places like the grocery stores, parks, museums, restaurants, public pools and more! Anywhere we go there’s always an opportunity for independence or a lesson for social skills. 

Every week we give back to the community. Wednesdays, groups from Heroes Academy pack hundreds of bags of food at “Feed My Starving Children” located here in Richardson to donated all around the world to places like Haiti, Mexico, and Kenya. Thursdays, groups deliver Sandwiches, clothes, and blankets to the “Soup Mobile” in Deep Ellum, and meals to different apartment complexes for “Meals on Wheels”!

H.E.R.O.E.S. has three major dates a year where we receive donations. (Write these down, write these down!)

The first is an annual Golf Tournament held in Richardson Texas! The Tournament is staffed by Heroes staff and students! It’s an amazing way for Heroes  supporters and sponsors to come out and enjoy a fun, but also competitive day On the course. The second major donation day for Heroes is North Texas Giving Day. This starts on September 1st, and last a whole month! Every staff member at Heroes is creating their own page (like this one!) and has their own goal for donations, so go check theirs out(: The third major day for donations is at the annual HEROES Gala! The Gala is at the end of the year and all students, supporters, sponsors, staff, friends, and family are invited for a great evening filled with music, dinner, pictures and laughs.

Back to the Second major donation day(: 

This is why you’re here! My goal for North Texas Giving Day might be a bit ambitious but it’s going to an amazing life changing cause. Any bit helps, even if you can’t donate (Trust me I know times are tough) sharing will go a long way! Sharing this page will allow sever hundred more eyes see it that wouldn’t have.

Lastly if you’ve made it this far…


Giving Activity


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