Equity Statement
Serenity Veterans Village currently has 24 Veterans and family members.
Since 2019 we have assisted 213.
We have graduated 76 out of program and into their own housing. This is a 36% success rate.
We have a 34% retention rate, this is those who are not yet ready to graduate, but have been actively participating in better themselves and are on their way to it.
We have had 11% pass away with us. Elderly with no close family or friends left.
4% have been removed for inappropriate behavior and the rest have respectfully notified us that they cannot live clean and sober just yet.
Our properties are designed for different purposes. Our Waxahachie home is dedicated to those who need to be close to hospitals and emergency care response is fast. It is wheelchair accessible with ramp. Our Tiny house is 3 bedrooms and is designated to families.
The emergency Village is designed for immediate housing. Shelter and shared facilities.
We will deny no veteran assistance, though we do have a long waiting list most of the time.
The waiting list is first come first serve. We do not ask anything but are you a veteran or the family of a veteran who passed away.